The International Meeting of Asian Society of Conservation Medicine (ASCM) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2019

Venue: Hotel Cambodiana, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Date: October 25th – 27th, 2019 (Please refer to Tentative Schedule)
ASCM Link:
Registration fee

Call for paper: April – August 31, 2019
Pre-congress workshops (October 25, 2019)
- One Health Educational Workshop (FREE, prioritize local participants) (Half-day)
Dr. Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto: Opening remark
Dr. Toshio Tsubota: Wildlife Biology and Medicine for One Health
Dr. Paolo Martelli: Introduction to Zoo Medicine
Dr. Pam Whiteley: One Health Concept and Wildlife Disease Surveillance
Dr. James K. Chambers: General Pathology
- Practical Approach to Avian Medicine (120 USD)
Dr. Alex Grioni and Dr. Serena Chung
- Wildlife Dental Workshop Level 1 (180 USD)
Dr. Cedric Tutt and Taipei Zoo staff
- Postmortem and Clinical Pathology (120 USD)
Dr. Chia-Da Hsu and Dr. Li-Wen Chang
Tentative schedule
